Saturday, March 9, 2019

Passion is defined as ........

"Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause; to enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; to strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a person."

I am reminded of a scene in The Big bang Theory where Penny is upset that she isn't excited about anything in her life, like her friends are.  That she thinks there is something wrong with her because I know the feeling. 

I am the same way.  I wasn't always like this.  There was a time when I would eat and breath my favorite shows, books, music.  I would find eminence joy in watching the newest shows, reading the latest book, etc.  Don't get me wrong I still like these things just not like I use too.  I am not sure what or why I have changed.  If I did I wouldn't be writing a different post lol. 

Maybe it has to do with the fact I barely have enough time and energy for the day to day things these days.  There is so much I would love to do but  "insert various excuses here".   But then I see others doing way more then I do in a run of a day and I am left wondering why can't I do that to or what am I doing wrong that I am not?  Have yet to figure that one out but that my be another post as well. 

I feel sometimes that if I am actually doing something, that I have to rush to finish it so I can move onto another thing.  Maybe the joy I once got is gone because I don't take the time in that moment to focus on that one thing.  But also with so many distractions in my life, that kind of ruins things as well. I think I have hit on the problem.  Now to find a solutions.  Might be easier said then done.  But I am dam sure going to give it the old college try.  Wish me luck.